A funny thing happened at the dentist's office yesterday...
For the last 4 months I've been regularly visiting the dentist's office as they have been doing work on creating a bridge for my four front teeth, after having one removed. When I went in yesterday for what was thought to be my final appointment, to have my permanent bridge "installed," I had two dental assistants helping me as they removed the temporary bridge I'd been wearing for the past couple of months. Over the course of time, the temporary was looking pretty worse for wear and in our casual banter, I joked about "hopefully I won't have to wear that again," since it really felt and had begun to look more like a mouthguard than teeth. One of the women working on me laughed and agreed, assuring me that she had a good feeling about the day and that my permanent bridge was back from the lab with the adjustments the doctor had ordered.
My dentist came in and went about inspecting the new bridge, fitting it in my mouth, taking it out, putting it back in, wiggling it, comparing it with the color swatches that he had put on the order. Finally, he announced that he wasn't happy with it and was going to have the lab redo it, and that I would need to stay for additional impressions and some other finetuning work. Then, when he looked for the temporary to put back in my mouth it was nowhere to be found!
Both assistants began combing the room, counter, chair, and floor looking for the temporary. They moved the chair and looked under it, even had me move so they could look under me, in case it had fallen in behind where I was sitting. Nothing.
After both assistants took a couple of turns looking everywhere, they gave up and realized they would just have to make a new temporary for me. Even as the one assistant worked creating the new temporary, she commented that the old one would probably appear just as she finished. Happily, the old one never re-appeared and I was outfitted with a much nicer temporary bridge.
They said that when things go missing around there, they laugh and joke that a former technician named Deedee (who passed away a year ago from cancer) is playing a joke on them. They told me, "Yeah, Deedee is probably laughing hysterically right now!"
I'm thinking Deedee may be my new best friend!! Thanks, Deedee!